Photography has been a love of mine from a young age beginning when I was given my first point and shoot. My love grew stronger as I learned new skills in photography during high school. My photography now aims to show regular items that most people would overlook from a fresh perspective. I attempt to focus on the main object while still taking the whole composition into account, making sure everything still flows. Another way I capture this is by providing an up-close and personal experience through macro style photography. Throughout shooting I commonly find myself asking “what would that look like from this angle?”. I think it is fun to imagine the world from a perspective that is completely different from the one we see on a daily basis. I draw some inspiration from movies like Thumbelina and Secret Life of Arrietty which both show how the world would be viewed from a low, small angle. It has allowed me to gain a new found love for the small details of items in our lives. I believe it's important to capture moments where a subject most likely will never exactly be again.